Sunday, July 3, 2011

IF Remedy

This Grandma has all the help she needs to make her little Grandson feel better in this book. Baking soda paste applied to the bite making sure the stinger is out is what I remember my Grandmother and Mother used to do for me. My Great Grandmother, that I never had the privilege to meet, was a woman of many talents. She was very superstitious and had a saying for many things, including throwing salt over her shoulder when it was spilt. She attended to the dearly departed by doing their hair and attended many a seance. She loved to cook and used to tease my Mother by saying she was making A"Wind Pudding". For which my Mother sat waiting for many a day. She worked at cleaning the largest house in her town, which an heir to the Coke company lived. She did almost anything to help with the money issues in the home. I have always felt it is a shame that sometimes we are not fortunate to know our relatives when they were young. My Mothers family came from Indiana in the early 1900's to find a better life. I think they succeed in doing just that. Never really finding treasure of worldly goods but the treasure of finding love and closeness of their family. Much like the Movie Roots the stories must continue in order for us to be able to find a sense of who we are. I know she was honest, hardworking and full of love and happiness. I think that is pretty good for a legacy, I hope my Grand kids will speak of good things after I am on another journey. I try hard and I think they know this and I hope I only get better with time. Time.... a funny thing, we tend to waste it and take it for granite, we can't change it or stop it. And many try to cheat it by looking as young as they can. But reality always sets in we are what we are. I think facing it with dignity and a sense of what it is may be the way I will handle it. Stay may never knows.....By the way I bought a new printer as my old one stopped working. I tried to download my thumbnail of the IF topic this week and the site says it won't take it for various reasons. I will try to fix this problem but if you took a peek , I thank you......have a great 4Th of July!


  1. I adore this illo! I was never close to my grandparents (we lived on different sides of the world), but I always imagine my grandmother being someone like you described. I love how her socks are at different heights! I just want to squeeze her (and you).

  2. Your thumbnail works for me. Grans are great for fixing things.

  3. i have giggled for a good 10mins at this! thank youuu for uploading its beautiful :-)
