Monday, November 28, 2011

IF Round

She was so round, in fact everything around her was round.....I had fun with the suggestion for this week with the word ROUND....the woman you see here embraces her curves and makes no apology for them. She also emphasizes them by dancing with the round balls....I haven't had much time for IF lately as I was busy printing and designing a line of greeting cards made of allot of the paintings I made for IF. I have them in a store I see to and they also carry my paintings on canvas and this month have sold three of them. Iam delighted and thrilled at this and was lucky enough to find out that the new owner of one of them is newly widowed and starting out on a new life. My painting is a woman at the beach, red hair flying in the breeze with her apron full of wonderful sea shells. So her friend thought it would inspire and make her friend smile. That is just what I hope my art does, make the person looking at it smile. I also ran into a friend that had bought one of my paintings a few years ago of a still life in a pitcher with a mermaid on it. She told me she moves it around her house ,its pretty large, so she can enjoy it where ever she is working. It is now hanging happily in her work room. Many days have gone by when I wondered if I would ever make a difference in this world of Art. My question has been answered many times this month and I feel humbled and happy at this event. So onward with my paintbrush in hand and ideas in my head! This may be happening in a small way in my own backyard, but you know it feels really good and right now that is good enough for me.....I hope you are also enjoying knowing that your art makes a difference, even if it is in a small way...I think it is a start!

1 comment:

  1. This is cute! She is limber, too, getting her knee up that high, so she's in fine shape. I really like those swirly bits and dots you added in white, brightening up the whole thing.

    I think making a small difference in your own backyard is a great accomplishment. Imagine if everyone did a little of the same! Congratulations on your sales, that is great!
